First Name
Last Name
In what clinic/hospital/system do you practice?
Do you offer any telehealth services?
Click here to upload headshot
I have uploaded a headshot by clicking the dropbox link above
Brief bio
Include what services you provide, what populations you serve, and any relevant certifications
What does it look like for you to provide care to patients in larger bodies? How is, or isn’t, your approach different from how you care for patients in smaller bodies? If you work with children, how is or isn’t your approach different when working with children?
What is your perspective on how weight is or is not related to health?
Finish this sentence: "Fat people are..."
How do you, your clinic, and the healthcare system you work in use BMI (i.e BMI cutoffs for accessing certain services, BMI on charts and printouts, etc)? Is this flexible?
If not applicable, write N/A
If a patient declines to be weighed, how do you and/or your staff proceed?
If not applicable, write N/A
If a patient declines to discuss weight loss, nutrition, and/or exercise, how do you proceed?
If not applicable, write N/A
What does the physical accessibility of your office space look like? What kinds of accommodations are present for people in larger bodies? Are there things you wish were in place that are currently not?
What do you do to allow fat people to feel comfortable and welcome in your office?
If you’d like to use this space to talk about any identities (gender, race, size, sexuality, etc.) you hold and how this relates to your care, please do so.
Would you like to sign up to receive email newsletters from Radical Health Alliance?
Your answers to the above questions may be used verbatim in the directory.
I agree
Patient-submitted information about your accessibility and/or weight inclusion practices not already on your profile may be posted to your directory profile.
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Feedback submitted by patients through our website may be posted to your directory profile.
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